Thursday, September 01, 2005

Just playing around. Can you imagine being underwater and seing this? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

my fav is the water.. that effect really works well with this image!!!!!!!!! how did you get his snout to be so pronounce and not rippled like the rest ...??????

Anonymous said...

I LOVE his nose in the water....JUST PRECIOUS
T Aggie

Anonymous said...

Jerry? I just love your "creative imagination" and sense of humor. You do one thing I cannot seem to get a handle on. You think "outside of the box". The first horse peeking through the blinds made me chuckle ... but the horse with it's nose sticking into the water is priceless! First off, look at it the way a human verses a fish would see it. A human would see it blurred from either angle ... (looking from above or below the water surface). I, as a human being, (last time I was told) and thinking like a fish,(which I don't tend to do often) would see it's snout perfectly clear when submerged into the water. How scarey is that for a fish? So AGAIN that nostril comes into play lol.

Anonymous said...

Paki I am RFLMAO! My fav has to be "Drink of Water". Its just too funny.

Anonymous said...

Paki, your underwater view is incredible!!!! Elaine

Anonymous said...

this cracks me up hahaha

Anonymous said...

I Love It! I Love It! I Love It!