Thursday, September 01, 2005

Butterfly and flowers - Watercolor digital Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Very nice i think those wings are a flutterin...........
Bev from OZ

Anonymous said...

I like this very much - like the way the brush stroke appears to create all the effects in one go!!!!! - if only real brush strokes could do that
Cheers, Maureen.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful digital, and I really like the way you gave it those loose sweeps in the background, adds to the watercolor effect.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty Painter is a lovely program! Nice to have you here - hope you'll be back again FL

Anonymous said...

This is stunning. Is the brushstroked bit a mask in the foreground?

Anonymous said...

lovely! that mask you applied really adds to the spontaniety of the scene.

Anonymous said...

I'm fascinated by digital paintings....

Anonymous said...

I think we will hang this one in our little cutie bugs room, goes well with the butterfly decor from her mommies childhood.....
so pretty!