Sunday, August 07, 2005

Mountain Wildflowers  Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paki, this is friggin’ outofsight! Your impressions of these hillsides and flowers are so beautifully transferred to us. I’m so excited by what I think you've brought out in yourself to paint this. I think you help reveal a different, beautiful, and truthful way of looking at this scene.

I’m struggling a little for words because I really think you’re onto the role of a good artist with this picture. To show things in a new light, or in a way the viewer might not have seen or understood, except through your eyes.

Whatever techniques or methods you’ve tapped into to complete this seem very important to me. I hope you can harness them again and again to do some more art like this. I’m a little jealous and a lot inspired! Tom