Monday, July 11, 2005

Beach Scene - abstract painting. Using lovely colors and blended abstract shapes. The sea can be very calming with all of its size and might. Refracted colors can sooth the savage beast. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I could just imagine this on a very large canvas on a plain wall. Superb piece.

Anonymous said...

This piece is so serene. I like it. Good color choice.

Anonymous said...

This is another fine Piece.....and I agree...large house appartment....great stuff.

Anonymous said...

It's very relaxing to watch this piece. I like the colors and subject you chose. I agree with Splatt about doing this piece in a larger format.

Anonymous said...

My man! Love that you did this after an "eyes closed and pure feeling" moment. The sky colors are wonderful. The size of the waves are bigger than life, and that's okay because it probably says something about your impressions of your trip to the shore. Interpret what you've seen for us. Thank you! More!! Tom

Anonymous said...

Just got home from the beach.........and I get the same thrill from your painting...nothing like the waves rolling in..........sigh......