BUMBLE BEE ON ZINNIA - A bee is industrious to produce food for its hive. The bold black and yellow makes a statement of , HERE I AM" I airbrushed the background to give a washed but grainy look. Some subtle outlining of the bee's wings and a little hard line in the flower seems to set this off just right. The color of the flower draws the bee in for examination. The flower clearly has the command here Soft and supple, but bold and brash. There is a symbiotic relationship here. Basking in full sunlight, the dance begins. I am wondering if I should trim and crop this painting down a little to further exagerate the dance? I am thinking.......

1 comment:
I came back to this comp. and feel it is as balanced as I can get. I am impressed and inspired with the diligence of the bee. Did you see the body mass? How does that thing fly? Awesome inspiration. If it can fly, I can paint! Keeping my distance with a front row seat.
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